Thursday, January 15, 2015

Roosting Gobblers 1-15-15

     Today I decided to head into the woods yet again. I headed out towards Dexter to sit in a stand normally used for deer hunting. I looked over a harvested corn field that is surrounded by timber. The temperature was in the low 40's at 4:00, there was not a cloud in the sky, but a few brisk gusts of wind kept the evening cool. After waiting nearly an hour with little activity I began to hear coyotes howl in the distance. Listening to coyotes filling the air with their shrill cries makes your connection with the outdoor feel much more wild. As the sun began to clear the western horizon I heard the flapping of wings deep in the woods. Each night right around sunset turkeys roost in trees, and tonight the local turkeys were flying up to roost within 200 yards of where I was sitting. I counted 10 different flights occur from 5:05 to 5:18 and I saw two brown flashes streak through breaks in the timber while a couple turkeys made their way to their roost. The next question I want to answer is whether or not the turkeys roost in the same trees nightly and if not, are the trees in the same area?

1 comment:

  1. Good question. Not sure that could be tracked unless you could tag them in some way and I think that is more involved that what we can offer in this course. Including the time and temperatures in very helpful for me to get the overall picture. Again, your writing reads like a well written novel!
